현재 위치


Fundraising Campaign Specialist

Fundraising Campaign Specialist
6 months
Start date: 


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) opened its office in the Republic of Korea in 2012, based in Seoul. The MSF Korea (MSFK) office focuses on four key pillars: (1) recruitment of skilled Korean medical and non-medical staff to dispatch to MSF field projects, (2) communications to the Korean public on global humanitarian crises and urgent health emergencies, (3) outreach to Korean stakeholders and policymakers in support of international community engagement and action, (4) and fundraising from Korean donors to directly support MSF medical humanitarian activities. 



Under the supervision of the Digital Fundraising Manager, the Fundraising Campaign Specialist (FCS) is responsible for implementing action plans to acquire new donors thorough fundraising campaigns, including Direct Response Television (DRTV) and various platforms such as social media, email, crowdfunding, and Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising. FCS also plays a key role in identifying suitable content from a vast pool of materials and editing existing content to enhance donor acquisition, engagement, and retention across multiple channels. FCS monitors the performance of DRTV programs and other fundraising campaigns with the guidance of the digital fundraising manager.  

  1. Implement approved acquisition activities for DRTV and fundraising campaigns that will support and enhance MSFK fundraising targets. 
  2. Monitor and report on the performance of DRTV and fundraising campaigns.  
  3. Support oversight of external vendors to ensure the timely execution of campaigns that are on budget and aligned with MSF brand guidelines and principles.  
  4. Collaborate transversally with other departments on activities with shared. 
  5. Maintain policies pertaining to fundraising activities to comply with Korean law and codes and MSF standards. 




  • Develop plans to improve the performance index of DRTV acquisition to meet the annual DRTV target. 
  • Assist in producing media content and designing new campaign themes. 
  • Monitor the performance and quality standards of TM center and provide regular training.  
  • Manage agency communications to ensure seamless media execution and accurate data entry. 
  • Report weekly/monthly performance results and budget to the respective manager.


Various platforms

  • Implement tailored action plans and tactics for fundraising campaigns across platforms such as social media, email, crowdfunding sites, and OOH. 
  • Ensure consistency in messaging and branding across platforms while adapting content to meet the unique requirements of each medium. 
  • Work with external platform providers and partners to optimize campaign execution, troubleshoot issues, and explore innovative fundraising opportunities. 
  • Pilot new tools, technologies, and approaches for each platform to identify effective strategies. 
  • Continuously track and report campaign performance.



  • Develop compelling copy and frame the case for support to inspire donors to donate, increase brand awareness, engage donors and prospective supporters. 
  • Collect and showcase powerful stories of patients, donor contributions, and organisational impact. 
  • Write, edit, proofread, verify, and drive production of a variety of fundraising materials. 
  • Regularly review and analyse current fundraising materials, ensuring timely delivery.


Departmental and others

  • Support other MSFK FR pillars to maximize the effectiveness of the FR campaign. 
  • As an active member, participate in MSF relevant Community of Practice and attend the relevant CoP meeting abroad when delegated by the Digital Fundraising Manager and/or Fundraising Director Provide constructive inputs to department-related activities (ex. team meetings, strategic planning, cross-departmental support activities). 
  • Collaborate closely with MSFK’s Communications department on digital needs. 
  • Be willing to adjust work schedules to suit the needs of the Fundraising responsibilities. This may include working flexible hours and providing support to other roles when required (networking, MSFK events, and evening teleconferences with digital platforms). 
  • Undertake such other activities as may be required and approved by the line manager and/or Fundraising Director. 


[기본 역할]

  • DRTV 및 후원 캠페인 운영을 통해 국경없는의사회 한국사무소(이하 MSFK)의 모금 목표 달성 지원
  • DRTV 및 후원 캠페인 성과 모니터링 및 보고
  • 브랜드 가이드라인 및 예산을 준수하며 외부 협력 업체 관리
  • MSFK 타부서 및 파트너사와 협력하여 캠페인 운영 지원
  • MSFK 정책 및 한국 법규를 준수하며 후원 캠페인 진행


[주요 업무]


  • 연간 DRTV 목표 달성을 위한 모금 성과 지표 개선 계획 수립 
  • 콘텐츠 제작과 신규 영상 테마 기획 지원 
  • TM 센터 품질 지수 모니터링 및 정기 교육 제공 
  • 채널 운영 및 후원 정보 관리를 위한 협력업체 관리
  • 정기 성과 보고 및 예산 관리 


플랫폼 관리

  • 다양한 플랫폼(소셜 미디어, 이메일, 크라우드펀딩, 옥외 광고 등)에서 후원 캠페인 기획 및 운영
  • 플랫폼별 유저 특성에 맞춘 후원 메시지 및 콘텐츠 조정
  • 플랫폼 제공업체 및 파트너사와 협력하여 캠페인 최적화
  • 플랫폼별 신규 모금 기회 개발  
  • 정기 성과 보고 및 예산 관리 



  • 후원 캠페인 문구 및 콘텐츠 아이디어 개발
  • (환자, 후원자, 단체 대상) 다양한 MSF 스토리 수집 및 소개
  • 모금 관련 문서 작성, 편집, 교정 및 검증
  • 정기적 대내외 모금 관련 문서 검토 및 업데이트


기타 업무

  • 후원개발국 내 타 부서를 지원하여 MSFK 모금 목표 달성에 기여
  • 글로벌 커뮤니티 참여 및 해외 실무 그룹 회의 참석 (필요 시 Digital Fundraising Manager 및 Fundraising Director 위임)
  • MSFK 커뮤니케이션 부서와 긴밀히 협력
  • 필요 시 근무 일정 조정 및 기타 지원 업무 수행 (네트워킹, 행사, 온라인 회의 등)
  • 직속 관리자 또는 Fundraising Director 승인에 따른 추가 업무 수행



Essential skills and experience 

  • 2+ years of relevant work experience in NGOs and or corporations. 
  • Extensive experience in multiple agency management and working with suppliers to deliver projects. 
  • Interpersonal and communication skills. 
  • Detailed oriented, with analytical and problem-solving skills. 
  • Creative thinking and writing skills. 
  • Ability to deliver to deadlines. 
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of a team. 
  • Fluent in written and spoken Korean and English. 
  • Strong commitment to MSF’s principles and values. 


Desirable skills and experience 

  • Fundraising and/or marketing experience  
  • Excellent copywriting + proof reading skills. 
  • Understanding of web, mobile, and social media platforms 
  • Basic knowledge of website analytics tools (ex. Google Analytics), CRM and digital fundraising platforms 
  • Knowledge of MSF and its work 


자격 요건

  • NGO 또는 기업에서 2년 이상의 관련 경험
  • 다수의 대행사 및 협력업체 관리 경험
  • 대인관계 및 커뮤니케이션 능력
  • 세부 사항에 대한 집중력과 문제 해결 능력
  • 창의적 사고 및 글쓰기 능력
  • 기한 내 업무 수행 능력
  • 자율적 업무 수행과 팀 협업 능력
  • 한국어 및 영어 능통
  • MSF의 원칙과 가치에 대한 공감


우대 사항

  • 모금 및 마케팅 경험  
  • 카피라이팅 및 교정 기술 
  • 웹, 모바일, 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에 대한 이해  
  • 웹 사이트 분석 도구(예: Google Analytics), CRM, 디지털 모금 플랫폼에 대한 기본 지식 
  • MSF와 그 활동에 대한 지식 



If you are interested in this position, 
please send your motivation letter and CV in English to recruit@seoul.msf.org.

We will reach out to the chosen candidate, and the application process will conclude once the final candidate is confirmed.